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Senior or Specialist Worker

Senior or Specialist Worker Visa is for senior managers and specialist employees who wish to undertake a temporary work assignment in the UK. The overseas worker must be assigned to a UK business linked to their employer overseas (also known as an intra-company transfer).  

Senior or Specialist Worker Visa does not lead directly to settlement in the UK.  However, you may be able to switch into another immigration route which does lead to settlement.  Applicants may be joined or accompanied by a partner and dependent children 

Requirements under Senior or Specialist Worker  

In order to qualify, you will need to satisfy UK Visas and Immigration that: 

  • You are aged 18 or over; 

  • You are currently working for a business or organisation that is linked to your UK sponsor by common ownership or control, or by a joint venture on which you are sponsored to work; 

  • You have worked outside the UK for the linked business or organisation for a cumulative period of at least 12 months, unless you are a high earner earning £73,900 per year or more; 

  • You have a valid Certificate of Sponsorship issued by your UK sponsor for the job you are planning to do; 

  • The job you are planning to do is genuine; 

  • The job you are planning to do is skilled to at least RQF Level 6 (graduate equivalent); 

  • Your salary will be equal to or exceed both £42,400 per year and the ‘going rate’ for the job; 

  • Your UK sponsor has paid any required Immigration Skills Charge; 

  • You have enough money to support yourself without relying on public funds; 

  • You have provided a valid TB certificate, if required. 

Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) Requirement 

The applicant must have a valid Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) assigned by a UK licensed sponsor for the job which they are planning to do in the UK. They must also be being sponsored for employment which is genuine. 

Your sponsor must be listed as A-rated on the Home Office’s register of licensed sponsors, unless you were last granted permission as a Secondment Worker and are applying to continue working for the same sponsor as in your last permission. 

Work Requirement 

If your annual salary is less than £73,900 Working for an overseas business which is linked to a UK sponsor. You must have worked outside the UK for this business for a period of at least 12 months. The 12 months of work outside the UK can be accumulated over a historic period of time. 

If you are earning more than £73,900 per year working for the overseas business that is linked to a UK sponsor, you do not need to have been employed by the overseas business for any specific period of time. 

To secure a visa under this category you will need a valid certificate of sponsorship that has been issued by an employer who is authorised and registered by the Home Office to sponsor an overseas  worker under this category.  

Salary Requirement 

The salary requirement under this category of Senior or Specialist Worker route is £42,400 per year.  An applicant for Senior or Specialist Worker Visa must be paid a salary which is equal or exceeds £42,400 per year and 100% of the pro-rated going rate for the occupation, whichever is higher. 

Job Skill Level Requirement 

The job you are planning to do must be skilled to at least RQF Level 6 (graduate equivalent).  You do not necessarily need to hold a degree, but the role must be equivalent to a graduate level role. 

Immigration Skills Charge Requirement 

Your sponsor is also required to make payment in full. 

Financial Requirement 

You will need to have cash funds of at least £1,270 available. 

You will need to have held the money for at least 28 consecutive days ending not more than 31 days before the date of your visa application. 

You will be exempt from the financial requirement if your sponsor is willing to meet your maintenance costs up to the end of the first month of your employment, to an amount of at least £1,270, if necessary.  Your sponsor will need to confirm this on your Certificate of Sponsorship. 

English Language Requirement 

Visa applicants do not need to satisfy an English language requirement. 

Maximum time allowed in this category 

You can stay in the UK with a Senior or Specialist Worker visa for whichever is shorter of: 

  • the time given on your certificate of sponsorship plus 14 days 

  • 5 years 

You can apply to extend your visa or apply for another one as many times as you like up to the maximum total stay.  

The maximum total stay allowed for a Senior and Specialist Worker visa is: 

  • 5 years in any 6 year period if you’re paid less than £73,900 a year 

  • 9 years in any 10 year period if you’re paid £73,900 a year or more 

When calculating the period of time spent on the Global Business Mobility routes the Home Office will consider all previous periods of permission granted on the Global Business Mobility routes and all previous periods of permission granted on the Intra-Company routes. 

Dependants of Senior or Specialist Worker Visa applicants 

Senior or Specialist Worker Visa holders can be joined or accompanied by a dependent partner over the age of 18 and dependent children under the age of 18. 

Settlement under Senior or Specialist Worker Route 

Senior or Specialist Worker Visa does not lead directly to settlement in the UK. However, once in the UK, you may be able to switch into another immigration route which does lead to settlement. 

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